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Commando is a classic arcade-style run-and-gun video game released for the NES in 1986.

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Commando is a classic arcade-style run-and-gun video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1986. The game puts players in the role of a soldier named Super Joe, who must infiltrate an enemy stronghold and rescue hostages.

The game takes place across several levels, each with its unique set of enemies and challenges. Players control Super Joe as he makes his way through the levels, using a variety of weapons, such as machine guns and grenades, to defeat enemy soldiers and tanks.

Commando also features power-ups, such as extra lives and more powerful weapons, which players can pick up throughout the game. The game's graphics are simple but effective, with detailed enemy sprites and explosions.

The game is known for its intense difficulty, with players facing waves of enemy soldiers and tanks while dodging bullets and grenades. However, with practice and skill, players can master the game's mechanics and become a true commando.

Commando was a hit upon its release and has since become a classic NES game. Its fast-paced action and intense difficulty make it a must-play for anyone looking for a challenging retro gaming experience.

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